Everything you need to know about oil boiler lock out
Winter weather has arrived and the temperature has dropped, meaning it’s time to switch the heating on. One of the most common boiler problems is boiler ‘lockout’. So what is boiler lockout and how can you prevent it?
Boiler lockout is a term used by boiler manufacturers to mean that the boiler has effectively shut down. When a boiler has a fault, ‘lockout’ prevents further damage. If you look on the front of your boiler you will usually see a reset button. Your instruction manual will say to press this to reset the boiler.
Your boiler may tell you it’s in lockout mode from there being a flashing red or green light or showing an error code. Not surprisingly older boilers are more susceptible to boiler lockout. It certainly helps combat this if you have you boiler serviced regularly.
Sludge can be a factor in boiler lockout. Consider using heating oil additives in order to counteract this problem.
What Should I Do When My Boiler Locks Out?
1. Check the fault code
2. Try resetting your boiler by pressing the reset button
3. Confirm that the level of your oil isn’t too low
There is always a chance that your boiler has locked out due to a more serious issue. If after performing points 1-3 there is no resolve then contact a professional.
Can I Prevent Boiler Lock Out
1. Ensure your boiler is serviced at least once a year
2. Add oil additives
3. Switch off your boiler during a delivery
4. Monitor oil use carefully as your boiler will lockout if you run out of oil
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