Environmental Policy

Managing our impact on the local environment

To manage the impact of our operations on our local environment and society we have a comprehensive set of standards and requirements covering health, safety, security and environmental issues. To achieve this we start with a Management System, ISO 9001, for which we have proudly held certification since 1993 and this includes regular internal and external audits to ensure that our standards in all areas of our operations are consistently high.

ISO 9001
Safe Contractor

Spills of oil and oil products can harm the environment and put our employees, customers and local communities at risk. Over the years we have reduced the amount spilled due to our operations to an absolute minimum and we work closely with all our staff to achieve this.

It is our goal to eliminate all injuries, unsafe practices and incidents of environmental damage from our activities and to this end we are audited annually to allow us to use the Safecontractor Logo which is a measure of the Health and Safety standards we aim to achieve. We believe that our work is never so urgent that we cannot take the time to do it safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.

All of our depots currently hold the UKIFDA Depot Certification Scheme Platinum Award which is a measure of the standards set by the oil industry storage and distribution requirements.

We aim to be good neighbours in the communities where we operate. This means more than running our operations cleanly and safely: it also means working with people close to our operations to address their concerns and help them benefit from our activities.

If information regarding technical details of products that we supply or Health and Safety information for making Coshh assessments relating to any of these products is required, these can be obtained by contacting us and asking for our Health and Safety department.

View/Download our ‘Be Safe With Your Oil’ document, which includes the latest oil storage regulations. Be energy efficient by following the Energy Trust’s energy saving tips. Click here for more information.

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E: enquiries@bartonpetroleum.co.uk

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